It's long been a dream of mine to bring the creatures and textile ideas that have lived in my imagination for so long, to life. I finally took the plunge and booked an exhibition space in a wonderful pub on my doorstep in Hastings Old Town.

My exhibition, Enchanted Creatures, runs until the 27th March this year and you can come and meet them in The Snug in The Crown, nestled in the heart of Hastings Old Town.

I wanted to share a few snapshots with you along with the little piece I wrote to accompany the show.

In the corners of my memory live my Enchanted Creatures. Fragments of Fairy Tales, the magic of the circus, Memento Mori of Victorian taxidermy, the wonder and fear of childhood ~ all exist and collide in my imagination and have been brought to life as my Enchanted Creatures with precious fabrics and loving stitches.
Each piece is unique and handmade by me in my little cottage by the sea. And they may, or may not be, renditions of creatures that are real…

There is a memory to cloth and the ability to heal in the working of each stitch and each of my creatures embodies this process of healing and memory.

Antique textiles, my great Nana’s broken string of pearls, Victorian jet, discarded wedding dresses ~ precious scraps and mementos are stitched into life ~ A cabinet of enchanted curiosities in the heart of Hastings Old Town.

Each ‘Specimen’ is handmade using soft sculpture and traditional needlework methods including Stumpwork, Applique, Beading, Tatting & Passementerie.

I have loved every single stitch that has gone into my creatures and it's so exciting to know that this is just the start of my creative journey in this direction ~ after all, there are so many creatures to bring to life!

If you happen to be in my neck of the woods this March, then do head to The Crown and say hello to my little creatures! They would love to meet you!

Tara x